Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to be able to ship with Cosa?
Sign-up on our website with simply your name, email address and by creating a password.
Where are ordered items shipped to before they are put on a flight?
Goods are shipped into our warehouse where they are inspected and verified before they are put on a flight.
When does the 3-5 day shipment comes in play?
After the items have been received and screened and the customer has been alerted that the shipment is on the flight.
Can I put in more than one pre-alert?
Yes, there is no limit to pre-alerts the more information provided the better (include receipts, invoice and or Shippers Letter of Instructions)
How often do you ship?
Cosa Transport ships weekly.
Will customers weights and measurements provided in quotes finalize transactions?
Please NOTE that customers final package weights and measurements will be determined by COSA TRANSPORT Agent before shipment. Both Agent and Customer need clarification before processing.
How long does it take to get my packages/shipments?
3-5 Business days.
Where can I ship to?
Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Togo, Benin, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, Middle East, Other.
Is there a limit to how much I can ship?
No, there is no limit to shipping just be mindful that weight is a factor.
Can a customer track their shipment online?
Yes, and alerts will be sent also via associated email on your account.
Can a customer track their shipment online?
Yes, and alerts will be sent also via associated email on your account.
Do you deliver goods after they reach the Country of destination?
No, please arrange to pick up items from our warehouse or airport.